3D FlipBook Support

Title Date
E 2 1 2019-08-08
Great script! 2 questions: 1. Is there a way so i can set the color of the links inside the PDF. I tested the pdf but all 2 7 2019-08-08
Can this script be sued as stand alone to create 3D flipbboks from PDF files. 2. Which environment do i install it? 3. I 2 4 2019-08-08
384a69e4-80be-499e-b5d1-aa4a9b0ff7de One question, does the installation need node.js? Because I’m not used to this, or can 2 1 2019-08-08
Its very attractive its work, I have 2 questions, both have to do with the SEO: 1- The delay in initializing the 3D 2 3 2019-08-08
HI there. I am thinking about buying the 3d flipbook jquery plugin. Before that, I´d like to know if there is any way to 2 1 2019-08-08
Very nice flipbook! Looks great! I would only be interested in using it for viewing a PDF file. So I have some pre-sales 2 1 2019-08-08
Hi, I have tried to integrate with a mvc application (php). I get this error: Object { readyState: 4, getResponseHeader: 2 3 2019-08-08
Congratulations! GoodLuck :) 2 1 2019-08-08
GLWS! :) 2 1 2019-08-08