I have purchased the plugin for wordpress, but when i try uploading the plugin as per your instructions (i.e. zip folder), i get the error “Plugin install failed. The package could not be installed. No valid plugins were found.” please advise?
Extract the archive, there you will see readme.txt with next steps.
Best regards,
I’ve followed the instructions however it still hasn’t worked?
OK, could you provide access to your WP dashboard? ivberezansky@gmail.com I will have a look.
Hi, I have sent you my details but I have not heard anything back from yourself?
Oh, it was you) I am sorry i receive a lot of emails so it is quite difficult to memorize who and what wants if there is not note in the email.
Actually you bought jQuery version https://codecanyon.net/item/interactive-3d-flip-book-with-physicsbased-animation-jquery-plugin/19113743 but you need https://codecanyon.net/item/interactive-3d-flipbook-powered-physics-engine-wordpress-plugin/19389832 . Any way i installed the plugin, so you can use it. Here is an example http://saahaad.uk.w3pcloud.com/flipbook-testing-page/
Best regards,
Hey Ivan
Thanks for installing this for me, how would I go about linking my PDF to the flipbook? Apologies, I am a bit of a novice at this.
Go this page http://3dflipbook.net/video – there are a lot helpful videos.
Best regards,