I just love the features with the CSS Layers. Fantastic Job. I do have some quick questions though.
1. When I go to a next page can the video of the previous page be deleted or the CSS Layer be turn off so I do not hear the video competing with the next page. 2. Can the CSS Layer Remain on the page until it is completely turned and it is out of view? it does not feel natural when the video or iframe just disappear before the page is turned. 3. Are there some variables I can pass to the iframe or HTML to tell which page I am on and whether the page is turning or just finished. 4. Still having problems with the page turn. When the edges raise in response to the mouse hover can I just CLICK on it to turn the page? That will be the simplest. 5 can the control Bar simply disappear after a number of minutes and reappear when the mouse move over that area? . GREAT JOB!!! Thanks again