I have integrated your plugin with pdf file
http://bisfotannews.com/epaper/ here
<p>but it works well but i can’t able to joom it further so that i can view the text clearly, at this level zoom is maximum and text are not readble i want to increase the zoom level so that user can read the text easily.</p><p>Thank you looking for your quick support</p>
If you wish to change default zoom settings you need to set appropriate controlsProps http://3dflipbook.net/documentation#book-control-props when you create a new instance http://3dflipbook.net/documentation#general-approach.
Best regards,
yes I see the controll properties as controlsProps: { // set of optional properties that allow to customize 3D FlipBook control downloadURL: ‘example.pdf’ }
so how should it be like controlsProps : { scale : 8 } else ? let me know
Thank you it worked :)