3D FlipBook Support

Title Date
1.Wanted to load pdf starting with page 5 2. Tried to type the ‘=’ character after string ‘fb3d-page’ in Flipbook GUI 2 1 2019-08-08
Hi – I love the plugin. Have 2 questions though. When I use the shortcode in a post, it takes a good 4-5 seconds for the 2 5 2019-08-08
Just updated to latest version and now TOC shows <$tr>Bookmarks <$tr> Thumbnails <$tr> Search Why is 2 2 2019-08-08
I use my zenfone2 to open it, and i can’t see all buttons. Is this plugin responsive? 2 1 2019-08-08
when we select html, images – Please wait! The book is processing… and nothing happens 2 1 2019-08-08
Hey, I’ve added a flipbook to one of my website portfolio pages but it asked for visitors to login, any idea how to fix 2 3 2019-08-08
1. Maximum how many pdf files I can upload, I mean is there any limit? because we have more than 800+ pdf books. 2. What 3 3 2019-08-08
Please explain the new books gallery feature. Thanks 2 8 2019-08-08
Hi, I am trying to upload a pdf file but for the past four hours the screen reads “Please wait! The book is 2 1 2019-08-08
I cannot down load this which I have 2 1 2019-08-08
Hi, I am trying to upload a pdf file but for the past two hours the screen reads “Please wait! The book is 2 1 2019-08-08
Hi, I bought your plugin and I have a problem on my images. here is a video capture of the 2 1 2019-08-08
Is it possible to insert pdf over 8mb? I have pdf brochures about 20mb each! 2 1 2019-08-08
Hi We have you plugin ruuning in some projects but in all of them we have the same problem, that´s no matter how many pages 2 3 2019-08-08
I have problem with book has more 800 pages. Book is too thick and difficult to read. How can i solve problem. 2 4 2019-08-08
Hello, whenever i open my flipbook in the iphone then one page of the flipbook go completely to right side of mobile screen 2 5 2019-08-08
One feature I would love to have and I cant find it anywhere is the option to force users to provide name and email to 1 0 2019-08-08
Hello, The plugin is not working. When I install it on WP, there is a “plugin not installed” error. What should I do? 2 6 2019-08-08
Hi- using purchased flipbook in bridge theme. put short code in text block. works on preview changes, but not when I visit 2 2 2019-08-08
Hi, i have wordpress.com business version 4.9.4. I follow the instructions, everything is okay, but when I open a preview, 2 5 2019-08-08
I downloaded this pluggin in January for free but is jquery and i need wordpress. Is there a way to exchange it? I realize 2 1 2019-08-08
Great plugin! I’m have a problem where the PDFS show up stretched and blurry… Is there a way to not have them stretch 2 1 2019-08-08
Hi, None of the tabs or buttons work when trying to create a book. Also, does not allow ability to add a pdf or upload 1 1 2019-08-08
Hi, thaks for great plugin. How can I config 3D FlipBook admin panel – “ALL BOOKS”, when I want to display 2 1 2019-08-08
When I import a PDF (35MB to 40MB) to this plugin the display is of the document is blurry and washed out (loses its 2 11 2019-08-08