3D FlipBook - Hello! I am absolutely loving this plugin, but am having some difficulty on mobile. I am attempting to generate a thumbnail



I am absolutely loving this plugin, but am having some difficulty on mobile. I am attempting to generate a thumbnail for a user to click on, whenever viewing the page on mobile: http://www.sidecarsinc.com/work-for-you/, but the issue I am running into is that the thumbnail takes so long to generate that it appears to never load, or fails to load completely.

I am seeing the following errors in the console: Deprecated API usage: getDocument is called with pdfDataRangeTransport, passwordCallback or progressCallback argument pdf.min.js:1

THREE.WebGLRenderer 81 three.min.js:150

Deprecated API usage: getDocument is called with pdfDataRangeTransport, passwordCallback or progressCallback argument pdf.min.js:1

The provided value ‘moz-chunked-arraybuffer’ is not a valid enum value of type XMLHttpRequestResponseType. pdf.worker.js:1

(This error repeats 3-4 times) WebGL: INVALID_VALUE: texImage2D: no canvas three.min.js:118

(The following error cycles 251-251 times) WARNING: texture bound to texture unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible texture filtering.

WebGL: too many errors, no more errors will be reported to the console for this context. about:blank:1

And after these errors finally cycle through, after the WebGL errors out for the final time, the thumbnail finally shows.

Do you have any suggestions?



Hello! I wanted to see if anybody had a chance to view this support request.



Sorry for delays. I get this “Your access to this site has been limited” when go to http://www.sidecarsinc.com/work-for-you/ . I need access to your wp dashboard to debug the issue. ivberezansky@gmail.com

Best regards,


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