Dear Team,\r\n\r\nHello, I have an angular 6 project and I want to create FlipBook in my project when i implement in our project i am getting Error in this line \"$(\'#my_album\').FlipBook({ pdf: \'books/pdf/CondoLiving.pdf\' });\" FlipBook is not a function.\r\n\r\nI am stuck i want a solution on priority.\r\n\r\nmy email id is \r\n\r\n
if i am not received proper solution than i will send a report to management flipbook is not possible in our angular project
You need to link scripts: three.min.js, pdf.min.js, 3dflipbook.min.js or load them dynamically. I have no Angular experience, but worked with ReactJs so i can tell only my ideas if you need.
In above question I am clearly mentioned error I have linked all .js file but still I am getting error flipbook is not function. How to resolve this error because this error is coming when I am creating flipbook in our angular
Dear Team, I am waiting for 2 days but still not received any solution. Kindly reply on priority How to resolve the error "FlipBook is not a function" in angular6 project.
Did you try to use the demo ? You have error like you not linked 3D FlipBook script or linked it after jQuery or redefined jQuery object or something like this.
yes i am using demo version but why I am getting "FlipBook is not a function" if this error is resolved i thing demo version is work ok
"js/jquery.min.js","", "", "" "assets/flipbook/js/3dflipbook.min.js" my js files . I thing problem in 3dflipbook.min.js kindly if possible provide me cdnjs file.
Try this it works.
also try to use this jQuery
i am using "//" this jquery file is it ok?
Yes, your jQuery is ok, just checked it. Start from demo, then replace the 3dflipbook.min.js with the pro version. Then try reorganize the project for your needs. Also disable the browser cache. This will help you to start easily.
Thank you for your reply, Can you help me some document on how to use in angular 6 it helps me lot. i have some query 1) Start from demo :- if i am using you "" what is this?
what is the cost of the pro version and what is a validation of it ?
Thank you for your reply i will try and let you know .
hi. i planning to implement this plugin in my ionic project. the issue i have faced is the same with yours, have you managed to fix to problem?
hi. i planning to implement this plugin in my ionic project. the issue i have faced is the same with yours, have you managed to fix to problem?
hi. i planning to implement this plugin in my ionic project. the issue i have faced is the same with yours, have you managed to fix to problem?
hi. i planning to implement this plugin in my ionic project. the issue i have faced is the same with yours, have you managed to fix to problem?
hi. i planning to implement this plugin in my ionic project. the issue i have faced is the same with yours, have you managed to fix to problem?
using this URL "" still, I am facing "Flipbook" is not function. So what I did I created a separate project and deployed on it and consume the url in our project using .
HI i am using flipbook in my react project i need to help me out with this.
import React from "react";
import $ from 'jquery'
function App() {
) }
export default App;
other plugins i have inserted inthe body of the index.html file. but i receive this error
error: TypeError: jqueryWEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE2default(...)(...).FlipBook is not a function
i am using creat-eract-app for my project