Hi Ivan,
I am trying to create a flipbook that is 200 pages and 51MB. It just says Please wait! The book is processing... And nothing happens. It has been left overnight, and still has not finished processing. Is this a known issue? Is there something wrong with the PDF? What would you advise. Thanks.
Something went wrong: Open the debugging console Ctrl+Shift+I to see errors - maybe CORS.
Here is a link to a screenshot of the console log: https://filebin.net/zquc484tkht6y795/Screen_Shot_2019-08-19_at_9.15.11_AM.png?t=b4aru1l2
What do you advise?
Hi, it is important we're able to get this fixed. Do you have any updates or advice?
I thought it is CORS issue, but it is not, i need access to check - ivberezansky@gmail.com.
Hi, I was able to successfully load the flipbook when using another browser that isn't Chrome. It works in Safari and Firefox. I've noticed that now the resulting flipbook is only visible on Safari and Firefox, and will not load on Chrome, both normal and Incognito. I will send you an email with a link to the page so you can test and see the console.
Hi, I sent you an email but never heard back. Is there a fix for this issue?
Just replied your email. Sorry it was recognized as spam.