1) How can i put a PDF to autoplay, so that it automatically turns the page after XX seconds? 2) How can i get an Event when the last page ist shown?
Thank you in Advance!
Kind regards, Christian Holzmann
Use ready function http://3dflipbook.net/documentation#general-approach
function ready(scene) { scene.ctrl.addEventListener('endFlip', function() { console.log(scene.ctrl.getPageForGUI()); }); } //and scene.ctrl.goToPage(n);// n = 0..scene.book.getPages()-1
Thank you, but endFlip seems only to trigger at the end of a page, not of the complete book .. or the LAST page...?
It triggers for each page that finished flipping animation. But scene.ctrl.getPageForGUI() gets just current.
Use ready function http://3dflipbook.net/documentation#general-approach
Thank you, but endFlip seems only to trigger at the end of a page, not of the complete book .. or the LAST page...?
It triggers for each page that finished flipping animation. But scene.ctrl.getPageForGUI() gets just current.