We had the flip book working fine but for some reason it stopped working and we did not update or change anything. http://www.coyote-intl.com/catalog-2019.htm
I am now getting the following errors in the javascript console. It appears there is an error initializing the flip book js file….
[Error] SyntaxError: Unexpected EOF (anonymous function) (3dflipbook.min.js:4) [Error] TypeError: $(’.my-flip-container’).FlipBook is not a function. (In ’$(’.my-flip-container’).FlipBook(options)’, ’$(’.my-flip-container’).FlipBook’ is undefined) (anonymous function) (jquery.min.js:2:31643)
I would appreciate a quick reply to this, I am stuck without a solution.
That is not your code? How do you think that was added?
Download from codecanyon original files and check them there is not such code, it was added by one of your plugins – WiredMinds eMetrics – I think