We are facing an issue with your Flip book component when we are trying to use Arabic PDF files which it should open from right to left……. Could you consider this as urgent and let us what we need to change to do that.
Also when open it on phone like iPhone it comes very small , can you advice how to display it as a bigger size.
set props.rtl = true; in propertiesCallback http://3dflipbook.net/documentation#general-approach
Acutely I’m using this option set props.rtl = true; and it change the arrows to view the book pages from right to left which is OK but unfortunately the PDF file will start from the end (last page) instead of first page – it will make it opposite.
Update the script from codecanyon, the issue is fixed
The issue has been solved , thanks a lot….
One more small thing ,,, how can I make it full screen from props once it initialise flipbook function
Not possible, fullscree can be activated only after user action (click or something else)