We’ve purchased your FlipBook software and we discovered 2 issues:
First it won’t work properly with Firefox (Mac Sierra and Windows 7 Pro, SR1). The specific problem is it won’t show the page flip document instantly. You need to resize the window to show the content.
Second it isn’t possible to show a document which is more broaden than DIN A4 in 2-sided mode without distortions.
Please help us to solve the problems.
Thank you.
All the best
Could you write a link to the page?
Best regards,
of course, here it comes:
distortions is fixed.
but i am not sure about resizing – cannot reproduce on my debugging environment.
Thank you. Well, the problem happens on Firefox only. I’ve tried it with the latest release, but still the same problem. The content is loading in the background, but before you resize the browser window all you can see is the grey layer above the website. As soon as you resize the window just a little bit, the page flip content appears instantly.
I got what you mean, i reproduced this on your website, but cannot reproduce on my http://3dflipbook.net/ , Please update the script on your website – i will check it again.
Thank you. True, with the example on your website it works pretty good. So how wie can download the new script?
i published it couple hours ago on codecanyon
Thank you for your kind help! We will install the new version. I’ll give you feedback as soon as possible.
Thank you, well done. Everything works perfectly now!!
Good :-)