Hi I downloaded during freebie of the month. I tried to implement just like in the “simple pdf by jquery” example. Used same code. The problem is that it is loading a whole 100mb pdf instead of just the cached pages. This is not performance optimized this way. In the example I can see it works fine
The issue was fixed.
Best regards,
So the freebie of the month download does not work correctly?
There are some bugs like everywhere.
But thats a BIG issue… it can ruin a shared hosting bandwith very quickly. Is there a fix for the ones that got the plugin that way?
Sorry. Free files does not have support.
So you should then stop giving away staff that is useless
Please read Envato Free Bee politics.
And i do not think that the plugin is useless – if you wish you can fix the issue by yourself in one day, but imagine how long does it takes to create a plugin like this?
actually this is not internal plugin issue, this is issue of one of foreign libraries.