<div class="full-size 3d-flip-book fb3d-h-500" data-id="8119" data-mode="fullscreen" data-title="false" data-template="short-white-book-view" data-lightbox="dark"></div>
that is used for inserting the FlipBook by JavaScript, but it doesnt enque any plugin resources: scripts and styles, so on client side we just can see the free container becouse there is no one to fill it.
I need your theme for deep debugging, could you send it to me. My email ivberezansky@gmail.com.
I am already try to understand, but it would be safety to change your password and send me an email with new one.
Best regards, Ivan.
I had a quick look, but little results. I see that admin side works well, but client is not, it handles the shortcode
[3d-flip-book id=”8119” mode=”fullscreen” title=”false” template=”short-white-book-view” classes=”fb3d-h-500”]
I need your theme for deep debugging, could you send it to me. My email ivberezansky@gmail.com.
Best regards,