Hi I have two problems: I’ve set the page colour, but it doesn’t look to colour the edge of the page. Is there another property to set?
On thickening the cover the first few pages fall through through it. Do I need to change another setting?
example here: http://lifestyle.slq.qld.gov.au/books/householdInfo.html
1) Actually it is a bug, i just fixed it.
2) There are some difficulties with the approximation, so you need to be careful when change some of the geometry parameters. You can try to increase the page depth too and reduce cover wave.
Best regards,
Thanks. I may give it a go again. I ended up making everything ultra thin which fixes any blitting of edges and the approximation issue, but lost the book look and feel.
I gather this paid version isn’t a Github repo to pull?
Yes it is paid version.