3D FlipBook - Hi, It seems like WordPress FlipBook does not support Internet Explorer. I get a few emails every week from visitors that



It seems like WordPress FlipBook does not support Internet Explorer. I get a few emails every week from visitors that claims that the pdf flipbook doesn’t work, but everytime it’s because they use iE.

I understand that you can’t fully support a browser that was killed by Microsoft 2015, but here’s a user centric idea:

IE is still the worlds second most used browser with +10% of the internet traffic (https://netmarketshare.com/browser-market-share.aspx) – is it possible to either:

1. Add a fallback message for IE users saying: “You can’t view this content with Internet Explorer. Please use Chrome, Safari or another web browser instead.”


2. Display a simple hyperlink to the pdf file in the flip book for IE users, so that they still can read the content, without contacting the webmaster or downloading a new browser.

As it is now, I have to add extra links below all my WordPress FlipBooks for manual download of the pdf, which is kind of a drag.

I really like this plugin, but I can’t exclude 10% of the internet users. Many big corporations still use IE as default and the employees does not even have the right to install their own applications on the work units. What should they do?



Just to clarify: I only use the embedded fullwidth feature via shortcodes.



Which version do they use? Plugin works in ie11 and edge.

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