3D FlipBook - back – I managed to find the answer to my previous question in the forums however another one has now popped up which


back – I managed to find the answer to my previous question in the forums however another one has now popped up which doesn’t seem to be in the forums – I can’t seem to resize the lightbox such that it overlays the website properly. We’ve tried the whole -h-700 thing and no matter what we do the lightbox continues to remain at the same size every times.

We are using the DIVI / Eligant Themes for our site. When the lightbox comes up with our pdf it seems to layer over top the post but the lightbox itself is UNDER the header layer. Which means no one can see the top of our PDF unless they go into full screen mode. Is there a way to fix this so that when you load the lightbox it is prioritized on top of everything else?



Visit this https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRLxHMrRORwfPs9WvTOzlHQ/videos

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