Amazing product and clear indication of getting better and better all the time. I'll be dumping Heyzine, thank you for creating it.
I checked the forum and for turning the highlight on HTML links, I uncheck the auto and yes buttons on Highlight on the book property page. I found them and did so, but I still get a highlight color on the HTML links. Looks like it's for the PDF links only.
No luck in creating a change to the CSS or by inserting a style with 100% clear into the HTML. I'm out of ideas. I'm sure there is a simple way to turn off the highlighting, but I'm stuck. Ideas?
Okay, I found a solution. In the HTML's edit box, in the DIV for the link, I added to the style "background-color: transparent !important; opacity: 0 !important;" It's not universal, but it works. I'll try setting this in the CSS next and keep y'all posted....
if you use Pro version: insert into 3D FlipBook-> Settings-> General-> Skin-> customization this code
Excellent! Thank you.