I had to reinstall the Pro version. Now when I enter the license key, I get the following error and none of my flipbooks work at all: Error occurred: Purchase code already registered on the maximum number of domains. I have only ever installed it on sequenceconsulting.com.
Hi, what email address did you use when purchase the plugin?
Sorry it was chris@sequenceconsulting.com. How do I fix this?
Unfortunately we cannot find your email addresses in our database. Do you know your license key, or maybe you saved the receipt?
Here is my license https://sequence365-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/chris_sequenceconsulting_com/ET8UPAsmnNVEuFX3BK7CkaIB9KAMiwW6ty2TMPUr-aNUQQ?e=FdC5KF
Can you please reset this license so I can use the plugin?
You use another plugin.