3D FlipBook - Trying to remove the ability to pan and zoom on image


I am trying to remove the ability for touchpan, touchzoom, and add swiping capabilities on a touch screen, I have added the following properties and actions to my code but it doesn't seem to work. Below I will paste the code, we are paying for a year to use the software, any support in regards to this situation would be great. Thanks.


   function preview(n) {
        return {
           type: 'html',
           src: 'books/html/wedding/'+(n%5+1)+'.html',
           interactive: true

       pageCallback: preview,
         pages: 5,
         propertiesCallback: function(props) {
           props.sheet.color = 0x008080;
           props.cover.padding = 0.002;
           props.interactiveCorners = false;
           return props;
    template: {"html":"templates\/default-book-view.html","styles":["css\/font-awesome.min.css","css\/black-book-view.css"],"script":"js\/default-book-view.js","sounds":{"startFlip":"sounds\/start-flip.mp3","endFlip":"sounds\/end-flip.mp3"}},
    controlsProps: {
        actions: {
          cmdSmartPan: {
            active: false
          touchCmdPan: {
            active: false
          touchCmdZoom: {
            active: false
          touchCmdSwipe: {
            active: true
          touchCmdRotate: {
            active: false
          cmdSinglePage :{
            activeForMobile: true
      actions: {
        cmdBackward: {
          code: 37,
        cmdForward: {
          code: 39
        cmdSave: {
          code: 68,
          flags: 1,
      loadingAnimation: {
        book: true
      //autoResolution: {
      //  enabled: true
     // },
         scale: {
            default: 2.053,

            levels: 0



Hi, it should be like this:

  controlsProps: {
    actions: {
      touchCmdPan: {
        enabled: false
      touchCmdSwipe: {
        enabled: false
      touchCmdZoom: {
        enabled: false
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