I'd like to have something exactly like this: https://youtu.be/COueCeQpeB4?t=103 to let me fully rotate the flipbook, see the back in 3D, etc. How can I do that?
For now I'm only able to tilt it a little bit clicking and dragging, but I can't make all the movements showed in the video. I've the PRO version with a valid license.
Thanks a lot!
In 1.13 we disabled Smart pan button by default, but it is possible to enable it in the plugin settings. Check https://3dflipbook.net/pdf-links-bookmarks – Smart pan button is enabled there. Click More button (3 points) and deactivate Smart pan
Thanks! And would be posible to tilt a little bit the book when you press the "Smart pan" button (or a new button)?? Something like this but when you press the button. And if you press it again, deactivate the tilt (like a "3D" mode):
function ready(scene) { setTimeout(function() { scene.visual.getOrbit().actions.rotate(null, {dx: 0, dy: -100, state: 'move'}); }, 10); } ready
Many thanks!
Hi, It is posible to just show the first page in perspective and then the rest of them (2,3,4...) with a flat perspective (like top perspective)? Thanks!