I don't see any documentation on the "controlsProps" function but I see it talked about a lot on the Support Forum. I have purchased the full JQuery version and searched all the files to find no function in any of the files called, "controlsProps" can anyone point me to some documentation or where I can add this function so I can disable and configure Flip Book functionality?
Thank you.
Check this example: https://3dflipbook.net/controls-customization and read https://3dflipbook.net/documentation#book-control-props
Ok thanks. I see it on that example and should be able to figure it out.
It looks like there's a block where constrolsProps is at where commands can be added and removed from the link you sent me. Gonna go check it out on my templates. Thanks again!
Resolved. Easy! Wish I knew specifically where to look in the 1st place. :) as I have already made a few templates. Thanks.