Hi, I am trying to get this to work in mobile, and have seen a few questions like this with the instruction to:
WP Dashboard->3D Flipbook->Settings->Actions->cmdSinglePage(activeForMobile: yes)
But, we dont have "Settings", is this spot...or anywhere I can see. Is this because we are using the free version? Is the free version NOT mobile compatible? Happy to buy a license if that will fix our issue with the flipbook not showing at our mobile breakpoint.
Hello, my client needs an answer please. :)
Hi, just checking in again....
the settings are not in the free version. It's there in the paid (Pro) one.
hey.... its been a month. we found a better plugin with better support
Hi, I am an end user as well, nothing to do with the product.
ah,... got it, thanks for letting me know. support is not so great from the dev
Support was good, but, since the problem in the east of Europe it has dropped off. Might be linked
Hundred times apologizing for delays. Yes free version does not have settings, also you can find this option in book editor-> control properties tab. Free works on mobile devices as well, you can check this site examples.