Sir, very thanks for the plugin and sorry for my poor English. I am using lite plugin of 3D flip book.
Is there a way to allow 3d flip book shortcode at Woocommerce variable_description field?
I added Woocommerce snippet like below, and other shortcode works great except 3D flipbook.
add_filter( 'woocommerce_available_variation', 'handsome_bearded_guy_variation_description', 10, 1 ); function handsome_bearded_guy_variation_description( $variation ) { $variation['variation_description'] = do_shortcode( $variation['variation_description'] ); return $variation; }
Below shortcode doesn`t work for me . It shows 'VIEW PDF' and nothing popup for flipbook.
[3d-flip-book mode="link-lightbox" pdf="/wp-content/themes/flatsome-child/brochure/mypdf.pdf"]VIEW PDF[/3d-flip-book]
It should work as well, you need to check result page for errors in the debugging console and for including plugin script and styles, and rendering of the plugin container.