Hello, I have used your plugin for about 6 months and think it is great. Because of this, I purchased the pro version but also because I would like to enable Google Analytics tracking of the flipbook views. I have Google Analytics Installed. Do I need to enable anything in the plugin? Where should I see the results when looking at the google Analytics page. I am not yet seeing anything. Are there detailed instructions on this?
Thank you.
hi, you need to plug in google analytics to your WordPress. Plugin uses its internal function:
then you will see the books statistic in your GA account.
Thank you for your response. I'm sorry but I don't understand what to do with this code. Here are my specific questions,
You wrote, "you need to plug in google analytics to your WordPress".
I have installed the plugin Monster Insights and also signed up for Google Analytics. I am seeing page views of the site (and other metrics) in the Google Analytics dashboard. Do I need to do more than this with Google Analytics? Do I need a plugin named Google Analytics?
You wrote: "Plugin uses its internal function:" Do you mean your plugin, 3D FlipBook, uses the internal function, ga( 'send', ...? Do I need to paste this code into the head of my site? I did try this but did not see any result. Where in the GA account should the books statistics appear? Is it under page views or some other area?
Thank you for your help.
I pasted the code that you provided above into the head area of my site and I inserted the book name and book id. For page number I put "1".
But I am still not seeing anything in google analytics.
you do not need to paste this code anywhere. Could you write a link to any page where you use the plugin?
Here is a link to the flipbook that I am trying to track usage of: http://hhrec.org/community-based-learning-ta/#wiser
Google Analytics function
is not defined on your site. What plugin do you use to connect Google Analytics to your site?Monster Insights
This is the full plugin name: Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights
strange, when we installed https://wordpress.org/plugins/google-analytics-for-wordpress/ -
appeared on our site.I just removed the Monster Insights plugin and installed and set up the Google Site Kit plugin connecting Analytics. Can you please check the link again and let me know if it is now showing the ga(...) function as defined? http://hhrec.org/community-based-learning-ta/#wiser thank you.
now it is fine: https://ibb.co/zNH4hyr
Thank you. I am still not able to find the reporting of it in Analytics. Can you please give me a screenshot of what it should look like in Analytics? I should see the book name?
Hello, I am following up to see if you can help me with this. I am not seeing any mention of the flip book in Google Analytics. Can you please point me to where it should appear and I will confirm if it is working or not? Thank you.
It should be site pages with urls like: http://example.com/3d-flip-book/{book name}/{book id}/{page number}
It is not showing up for some reason. The google analytics is working. It shows my views of the page that the flipbook is placed on but does not show the views of the flipbook. Do you have any suggestions of what I could try to get this working?
enter into your GA and check Realtime-> Overview page: https://ibb.co/HLSHPfh . in browser incognito mode open any page with flipbook - flip to any page and observe GA.
Thanks, that confirms that it is definitely not working. GA shows the page view but does not show any record of the flipbook. I have two flipbooks on the site and tried both but not result.
I am not sure what I can do. The only thing that I noticed is that the layout of your GA page in the screenshot is somewhat different than my GA. I did get to Realtime->Overview, but the layout is different. Mine reports "Views by Page title and screen name" rather than "Top Active Pages" as yours does. Also, yours has that warning at the top about "UA will not longer process new data in standard properties". Mine does not have that. Could it be that GA upgraded something that causes your flipbook tracking to break?
Hello, just following up to see if you have any advice on this issue or what I might try in order to get it working. Or if I should give up and tell my client that it is just not possible to track views of the flipbook on their site without going into Google tags or higher level programming?
hi, enter in the debugging console
ga('send', 'pageview', '/test-page');
- then you should see in the GA realtime active page '/test-page' https://ibb.co/NYWZtdm, if there is not such page - ask GA integration plugin support, whyga()
function does not track pages.Hello, Believe it or not, I have spent all this time since you last wrote (about three months), working with Google tech support to get this working. Quite a nightmare. They finally figured it out and responded with this: "We checked with our developer regarding the issue. The 3d FlipBook Plugin is still using GA code in the backend which is used to be an older version of implementing Google Analytics. Now, we use a Global site tag code. They need to update their analytics settings."
Can you please let me know if you are planning to update the plugin to work with the new analytics site tag code? If so, could you give me an estimate on when it might be ready? If it is sometime soon then I will just wait for the update. Thank you.
hi there, as far as i know function
is still working https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/migration/ua/analyticsjs-to-gtagjsok, we will add
as well.Thank you. That would be great. I really like your plugin and if google can track usage then it would be perfect. Can you please let me know when you have the gtag ( ) function added and I will update at that time.
Since 1.13.0 plugin supports
. Also you can disable tracking user in the plugin settings.That's great. Thanks. However, I checked my site and I can see the flip book view in Universal Analytics. But I do not see it in Google Analytics 4. Maybe I am just not looking in the right place. Are you able to access Google Analytics 4 and see the flip book views? If so, could you please send me a screenshot of it? Thank you.
I am also using MonsterInsights and it is not working for me i am geting to following
ga('send', 'pageview', '/test-page') VM1268:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: ga is not defined at :1:1
website address is https://phulwari.org/