I purchased your plugin and my worldpress site can't update it.
Here is the error message: Downloading update from https://3dflipbook.net/updates/download.php?license_key=bdb83b97-4d71-48bb-9d34-ac2481820d56&domain_name=lorimichelle.net&product_id=2…
An error occurred while updating 3D FlipBook: Download failed. Forbidden
is item support still active in your envato account?
I tried logging into my envato account and could not find anything there about this plugin or the support I purchased from them. I found your 3d flipbook website online and decided to contact you directly. I paid for support for your plugin with envato a while ago to get the update for your plugin last year. I'm confused by the envato website and can't get support or questions answered there. It seems every time your plugin has a new update I have this issue that it will not download. How I do I remedy this problem? There is an update on there now that will not download.
We found your key: supported until: 2022-01-24T12:59:04+11:00 - support period finished, that is why auto update does not work. But you can still update the plugin manually - download last version from code canyon.
I can't seem to do what you are recommending. How do I get the update from you? Where can I get support to add these auto updates? I don't seem to have this problem with other plugins as they all auto update. I want to fix the problem. Can you send instruction to get support and auto updates? Thank you.