Hi support,
I've just renewed our subscription (sorry forgot it had lapsed). Even after this video is not working in the 3d flipbook pages. Neither Chrome or Firefox or Edge.
The current code we are using is the vid1 CSS and class vid1 html youtube code but cant paste it here as your system strips it out.
Any ideas or fixes or code to make video work again?
Regards Dane
this came after Chrome updating. We need to report the bug on webkit forum. Mouse events do not affect on html elements after 3d transformation.
It's not working in any browsers now, not just chrome. Firefox is same etc. We will need to move elsewhere for our pdf conversion now as video is important and no other systems have problems presenting video overlays. We love this system but it needs a proper video overlay system as well as hot linking, and other overlays. Would pay more for it if it could be implemented. but its probably too late now as we need video.
could you write a link to your page?
See a mag we are working on here page 9 for a test video.
thank you, watch: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dzw2YviPxv0O1B6nwn2kG8FUfvXWF4wc/view , this came after chrome 98 release. we will think what can we do.
Tilting it doesnt work for me, the button just doesn't go live as in your test and this is obviously not something we can ask clients to do.
of course this is not acceptable. we reported it here https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=237470. Now we will look for a hotfix.
Thanks for your help. hopefully you can find a fix.
Published a hot fix, the problem left only in Firefox - it works with video tag but it has problem with iframes.
oaky thanks, at least its working in Chrome now.
Although working in Chrome, Youtube Videos can no longer be opened full screen. they just remain as the size on the page. Full screen button doesnt work.