The Font-Awesome Icons do not load in Safari. I checked and the .ttf font is not loaded because the template is loaded in the 3dflipbook.js in an iframe on line 13.088. This renders the Plugin useless unfortunately. Any Fix Thx.
The same problem exists on your Demo Page.
thanks in advance, Manuel
To whomever this conceirns. I found a quick fix and it works for me. I don't know if there are any side effects. Safari doesn't load content via CSS Import if there is no src given in an Iframe. 3D FlipBook does exactly that. I've seen in the Code that there was a fix in the code, but the part was inactive.
in the 3dflipbook.js on line 13089 i added the following: if(this.isSafari){ var initUrl2 = "./"; }
And I changed initUrl to initUrl2 in Line 13092
works for me. but i assume there are side effects i don't understand yet.
Sorry dudes. The above doesn't work. I am quite lost now.
check: https://3dflipbook.net/question?id=1880
Thanks for your answer. I tried that, it doesn't work. I am on Safari 15.2 Is there a release planned that fixes this issue in the core?