UPDATE Works on desktop Safari after plugin update + clear cache. The issue is that the plugin does not operate properly (unable to download pdf's etc.) ON NEW OS15 for iPAD/iPHONE. MacOS Safari is OK - THE ISSUE IS WITH OS15 Safari (mobile/tablet users)!! Plugin STILL NOT WORKING CORRECTLY ON OS15 (not to be confused with MacOS (Desktop)
Thank you, researching the issue.
Thank you for your reply. There are a lot of users posting problems with OS15 on MacRumors as is usual. FYI. I've just noticed that I am running Safari on MAC OS14.8 without any 3D Flipbook issues. But a friend has said the 3D Flipbook does not function properly on Safari OS15 so I think its a problem with all of OS15 for those who have updated from OS14.8.