compatible with visual composer but not with elementor ? I do not like visual composing. The part of the parameters of your plugin is translated into French? (Fr file mo / po)
in your demonstration, when you turn the pages, it takes a long time to load, optimization problem ?
The plugin has shortcode generator, so you can use the generated shortcode with Elementor . The plugin has pot file so you can use Loco Translate to translate it. There are not optimized for web PDFs in the demonstration so yes.
Best regards,
thank you for the answer.
I do not like loco translate, I prefer to use Poedit locally.
I have the free version, I translated your language file from the .pot file but it does not work, I created a file named 3d-flip-book-fr_FR.po and 3d-flip-book-fr_FR. mo
your plugin is not ready to be translated, this is very surprising, it’s the first time I see this, 2 hours to translate your plugin and it does not work, it’s very frustrating thank you for updating your plugin for the translation to work!
If you put the translation only into wp-contentplugins3d-flip-booklanguages – it will work, i already fixed the issue in 1.8.1
Best regards,