I installed 3d Flipbook on one site and there it works fine (on the development location url) I tried setting is up on another site in the same MU install and there I get "NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource". This happens both in the free and the pro edition. What can I do? The next site needs to go live on Tuesday the 15th so I am pressed for time.
Kind Regards, Henk
Could you write a link?
At this site https://leiv-wonen.nl/3d-flip-book/brochure-leiv/ it does not work. Earlier today it worked here https://ritmeester-linschoten.nl/ but a few hours later I get the NetworkError again.. But at https://ritmeester.kijkeenhuis.nl/3d-flip-book/brochure-ritmeester/ it works... I think it might be related to the domains at the MU site. When i use the plugin at the development location it works, but when a domain is mapped to that site it will not work. So maybe the plugin does not work with WordPress MU and domain mapping?
After adding the lines below to .htaccess it seems to work