We have a weekly magazine coming out and would like to show an archive of the last 12 magazines on our site below "Nog verder terug in de tijd…" here: https://www.geleblaadjes.be/publicaties/
We can currently only show the last 6 magazines. Does the pro version remove this limitation? We would like to go to 12. Also, is there a way to show an archive with pagination on this page. We could make a template file if needed.
greetings, Benny
Does anyone have a solution or some advice?
use gallery shortcode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuJxW_eGv6E , and its query parameter:
see all options: https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/classes/wp_query/
Thanks for your reply, but can you give a bit more information? We're not able to solve it with this. This is what we tried:
[3d-flip-book mode="thumbnail-lightbox" cols="6" tax="46,45" query='{"orderby": "date", "order": "DESC", "posts_per_page": "12"}' title="true" lightbox="light" classes="fb3d-fix-title"][/3d-flip-book]
To show the latest 12. But it's not doing anything. We also tried posts_per_page = -1, but that does nothing as well.
Can you help me?
need access to your WP to check.
How do we do that? Do you want a backup/Duplicator package? Do we email you?
write me author@3dflipbook.net