Somehow i'm getting these two errors, only in Safari:
1: TypeError: (0,_libs.$) is not a function. (In '(0,_libs.$)("")', '(0,_libs.$)' is undefined) 2: Unhandled Promise Rejection: TypeError: instance.node.find(".book-widget div").FlipBook is not a function. (In 'instance.node.find(".book-widget div").FlipBook((0,_buildOptions2.default)(instance))', 'instance.node.find(".book-widget div").FlipBook' is undefined)
This prevents the iframe from loading. The
is empty.Any idea where those errors come form or how i can fix this?
Do you have optimization plugins? They can change the scripts loading order, use lazy loading and so on.
Yes i'm using WP Rocket.
Reinstall the plugin, I just published an update that has to solve issues with wp rocket.