Hello, there seems to be a very big issue this is not the first time this has happened the PDF keeps disappearing. All the PDFs have been loaded properly. They are all listed in our WordPress media library so this issue should not be present.
See link: https://magneticthought.com/free-mind-development-ebooks/
When a PDF is selected it just keeps loading and nothing happens.
All the pages where the PDF was added, now have the following error:
Missing PDF "https://magneticthought.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/creative_mind_and_success_ernest_shurtleff_holmes.pdf". See the debugging console for details (Ctrl+Shift+I in Chrome).
When we first purchase this plugin we got the same error and had to delete all the PDFs that we added.
We have now changed hosting and just start to add the PDFs again yesterday all seems well however today we have the same missing PDF issue as before.
Can you please help us resolve this issue soonest?
Thank you
Hi, i do not know what happened but your PDF were removed from your web server you need to put them back.
Yes but this is the second time this has happened I contacted you a few months ago about this very same issue will that keep happening? This is very time-consuming to have to do this all the time.
you need to find who/what removed your PDFs. Files cannot be deleted by them self.
Well, they were there and when I check yesterday, they are all gone. No one but myself is working on the site. As I have already indicated earlier this is not the first time this has happened, I have raised this with you before. I can send you the emails if you want.
I believe that this is not the first time, but I don't know the reason. Maybe you have a 'file cleaner'? Site was restored from backup? Contact hosting support, describe the situation, that pdf files disappeared from the web server. Flipbook plugin never removes PDFs
Ok, i have added the PDF again and will observe and contact the hosting company if that happens again. you may be marked as resolved. There was an issue with videos not showing Chome inside the PDF has this been fixed.
After one of the Chrome updates the video work fine again.