I am trying to build your lightbox into an Umbraco solution.
I almost have it work but struggling on the book options Javascript.
I am using a nested element to bring in each book but that causes a loop.
I have a limited skill with Javascript so not sure how else I can do this, any advice is appreciated.
Alternative is there a different way? I am using the example from the free version as there was No version in the paid.
@{ var FlipBookContent = Model.Value>("lightBoxContent");
script type="text/javascript"
Normally the script would be in tags but to get the code to show this is how I have had to do it.
This method works, the top part above the script compiles in the CMS and shows 3 different PDFs.
The bottom part is manual, I cannot figure out how to get the bookNo into the book options using the CMS.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Got it to work. Except the flip sound does not work now but I can live with that
Fixed i created a new variable in the Umbraco code to create the JS i needed and then inserted in the javascript which worked :D