My bookmark function doesn't seem to be working. When I tap the icon on the toolbar it brings up the Bookmark, Thumbnails, and Search query, but when I tap the bookmark word nothing happens. I am given no options to bookmark a page. What do I need to do to activate this function?
plugin uses pdf outline to show bookmarks. could you write a link to your page?
Can you explain what you mean by "pdf outline"? Here is the link
pdf outline - pdf bookmarks (table of contents). Your pdf does not have bookmarks - so there is nothing to show.
Hmm...I thought the point of a bookmark was to be able to mark a page that you wanted to go back to, no? I thought that when a visitor clicked on bookmark, it would bookmark the page that they wanted to be able to come back to just as someone would be able to place a bookmark in an actual book and, upon returning, go directly to that bookmarked page. I guess I misunderstood it's function. Is it possible to remove that so that visitors to the book do not get confused?