3D FlipBook - It is wrong jQuery JavaScript Library


I bought 3D FlipBook on 1/25/2021. I am working on ASP.NET Core 5.0 and started to integrate with my application but it conflicts with default jQuery JavaScript Library v3.5.1. It never worked. So I thought I could create a separate folder, but when I saw your JavaScript code it assumes it is at root level, and it never found desire images or anything. The windows it was saying FlipBook is not a JavaScript function, which was not true. I am not sure why FlipBook is not using latest version of jQuery. You are using 1.8.3 version. It is a beautiful product but how can I use it? No Idea. Please guide me how can we resolve this problem? Any help will be very much appriciated.



It works with 3.5.1 as well. Open the debugging console on this site and enter jQuery.fn.jquery Probably you include the scripts in wrong order or miss something.

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