I'm using 3D flipbook in WordPress - it works great to display a single PDF file. However, I have 14 different PDF files (and more coming) which I would like to display in identical formats. Ideally, I'd like to create a "template" page, which I could link to, passing some sort of parameter in my querystring, and have the page display the appropriate PDF file.
How can I do this?
You can use plugin shortcode like it done for the default plugin page: 3d-flip-book/assets/templates/single-3d-flip-book.php
This doesn't really help that much. What does the Get_the_ID () function look for? how does the shortcode_handler work? I've got over 1,000 PDFs I want to display on a WooCommerce product template. I just need to pass the pdf location and name to something and have it display,, but what and how?