The main language of my website is in English an a second language (Dutch). The translation is carried out by the WPML plugin. All the content on my website is translated and also the 3D Flipbooks. But when I open a Dutch page it has an error on the place where there should be the Flipbook. The error is "Item is not found".
How to solve this problem?
Examples: English post: https://inadco.nl/media/2019/measurement-specialist-grows-together-with-its-market/ Translated post to Dutch: https://inadco.nl/nl/media-nl/2020/meetspecialist-groeit-mee-met-de-markt/
For Dutch version when flipbook plugin render the page on the server side it see book id = 4908, then it changes on 4389. Did you change the book when edited that page? maybe the translation plugin do some changes after flipbook plugin? Could you create a new page insert the book and check it for both languages?
I will come back to do to try this in the next Year. Just started my holiday.
Back from my holiday. I made a new page (called a test) entered one of the 3D flipbooks. The code I entered on this page is [3d-flip-book mode="fullscreen" id="4793" ][/3d-flip-book]. With WPML plugin I translated the page in to Dutch. The English page shows the flipbook. The Dutch page shows item is not found.
I have found some new information. As said I am using the WPML plugin for doing my translations. I just find out that when I make a 3D Flipbook and than translate this one the translated version becomes a new ID number. When I use the right ID in my translation the message "Item not found" isn't shown anymore but the flipbook ether.
see: UK: https://inadco.nl/magazine/2020/measurement-specialist-inadco-grows-together-with-its-market/ NL: https://inadco.nl/nl/vakbladen/2020/meetspecialist-inadco-groeit-mee-met-zijn-markt/