3D FlipBook - Hi i have installed and configure the plugin and it was working fine the last month Now its not showing any thing, I



i have installed and configure the plugin and it was working fine the last month Now its not showing any thing, I already re-install with latest version but still not showing anything Please help.




I need access to your WP dashboard to research the problem. ivberezansky@gmail.com

Best regards,



I have the same issue and I keep getting an install fail when I try to reinstall the plugin. I am also being asked to pay for wpbakery now. My flip books stopped displaying about a month ago, whereas before everything worked fine. We are a not for profit organisation and cannot afford to keep paying for software - why do I now need wp-bakery?

Eileen Briggs


Do you use free version? What error do you receive when reinstalling?


I was using the paid version and have an installation code. I bought it in late October 2020 and it worked fine. I received an email informing me of the new way of updating your software in early April, and it was about that time that the magazines disappeared. As I have not been able to see the magazines that I had in a table, I had to start troubleshooting other possibilities such as deactivating all plugins and reinstating them one by one as recommended, scanning with a debug and clearing cache etc, I reinstated some of the magazines via categories in a test page, and they displayed, but would disappear again within 12 hours. One error message I received below after deciding to reinstall the software (prior to this I thought it might be a problem with my system) and now, despite downloading the software from my login account with you, I get ''install fail'', also I tried to install 3DFlipBook-instalator_sources_docs.zip or 3D_FlipBook_WordPress_Plugin_Pro_Edition.zip and also got a fail. There seems to be no way to reinstall except via the unreal 3d and buying a wp bakery licence. Error messages 'failed to install' or this one when trying to install:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare iberezansky\fb3d\get_dump() (previously declared in /var/www/vhosts/36/150443/webspace/httpdocs/ndmes.org.au/wp-content/plugins/unreal-flipbook-addon-for-visual-composer/index.php:15) in /var/www/vhosts/36/150443/webspace/httpdocs/ndmes.org.au/wp-content/plugins/3d-flip-book/index.php on line 15


You installing a wrong archive. I resent you receipt with download link. Remove all old versions and follow the video: https://youtu.be/dTSSTeJMta4?t=35 If you have Unreal FlipBook - remove it as well.


Hi I went through the process to reinstall, but the books still did not reappear. I then deactivated my plugins except for 3d Flipbook, but still no luck. I tweaked the permalinks and the magazines came back on all pages. I then reactivated the plugins and the mags disappeared again! I deactivated the plugins again and put them back one by one, refreshing the main magazine library page (at: https://www.ndmes.org.au/station-stops/steamlines/) The plugin WP-Optimize - Clean, Compress, Cache was the culprit and once I deactivated it, the magazines came back again. I will be nervously checking for a number of days to make sure they stay online, as I have spent a stupid amount of time over the last few weeks trying to sort this out - I should have come to you sooner. Thank you very much for your help a***r A cyber hug from me for your advice (even in these Covid times)

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