Missing PDF "https://magneticthought.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Jesus-Christ-Heals_charles_fillmore.pdf".
Probably PDFs were removed?
I received an error message in 3D FlipBook when I was trying to add "Jesus-Christ-Heals_charles_fillmore.pdf". I removed and re-added and since then I have been getting the continuous loading for not just "Jesus-Christ-Heals_charles_fillmore.pdf" but for all PDFs on the https://magneticthought.com/mental-healing/. I can confirm that the missing PDF has been readded since getting the error can you please advise how i can fix this as I am unable to move forward.
Hello, can we please have an update I am unable to move forward as the PDF does not work urgent help needed?
PDFs were removed from your web server, you need to bring them back and make them available from their urls that you can see in the debugging console.
Something is wrong i have removed and readded the pdf no different have you seen the error messages. How do i add the pdf back i have added back over and over as i said it happens for all pdf of all pages
Write a link.
Thanks see the link: https://magneticthought.com/mental-healing/
The plugin cannot find pdfs:
Probably PDFs were removed?
I received an error message in 3D FlipBook when I was trying to add "Jesus-Christ-Heals_charles_fillmore.pdf". I removed and re-added and since then I have been getting the continuous loading for not just "Jesus-Christ-Heals_charles_fillmore.pdf" but for all PDFs on the https://magneticthought.com/mental-healing/. I can confirm that the missing PDF has been readded since getting the error can you please advise how i can fix this as I am unable to move forward.
This is the error I get when I try to remove and add pdf: Unexpected server response (403) while retrieving PDF "https://magneticthought.com/wp-content/uploads/dae-uploads/Jesus-Christ-Heals_charles_fillmore.pdf". See the debugging console for details (Ctrl+Shift+I in Chrome).
Hello, can we please have an update I am unable to move forward as the PDF does not work urgent help needed?
PDFs were removed from your web server, you need to bring them back and make them available from their urls that you can see in the debugging console.
Something is wrong i have removed and readded the pdf no different have you seen the error messages. How do i add the pdf back i have added back over and over as i said it happens for all pdf of all pages