You give the ability to add the book in a category. Is there a shortcode where we can show all the books in a category without adding them item by item? So you have a thumbnail list with the shortcode generated from the existing category function you already implemented!
Categories were added for the future plans, today they are seems pretty useless. Probably i will add such functionality that you are talking about but in version 1.7 or higher.
Best regards,
Thanks for the quick answer. Would be great to have this Option. We have a magazine archive for old cars with over 800 Magazines. How is the performance with a lot of flipbooks? Now you maybe will see 800 pieces without categories and category listing would be a massive work to implement all the magazines.
The performance depends only on amount of flipbooks on one page – they fetch some information from the server. I agree: it is not comfortable to work with such big archives. You need some bulk operations.
This was posted 2 years ago, and it seems that the Category List-display function only works for Thumbnail, not the Text Links for Titles?