3d flipbook slider is not working in Safari browser. It gives error for WebGL on safari. I checked the demo of the plugin and the demo its self does not work on my Safari browser for MAC as well as windows Safari. Please provide a solution to make it work on Safari browser.
What Safari version do you use? Safari for Windows – i thought it is dead, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safari_version_history . The last Windows version is very old and does not support a lot of modern technologies.
Best regards,
Facing Issue with PDF plugin on Safari on the iphones. Attached to this are 2 images. Apparently the issue is also on Safari on the Mac (not only windows), Even your demo is not working right on Safari MAC or iPhone browsers. One screenshot from my iPhone 6s Plus (iOS Version: 11.0.1) One from iPhone 6s Plus which looks bad (iOS version: 10.3.3) https://imgur.com/LTPOa6I
Update the plugin, it has to solve some of the problems.
Best regards,
Hi. I get error, "Your graphics card does not seem to support WebGl." - Mac Safari only!. WebGL on Chrome for same site works Don't jump to conclusions yet! MacBook (2006); OS Monterey 12.1, Safari 15.2 WebGL is NOT in Safari -> Preferences -> Websites Develop -> Experimental Features ----> WebGL 2.0 = SET; Have you seen this before?