3D FlipBook - Premium User- Renders wrong on both iOS and Android


Hello we've been struggling with this for quite some time already. The document displays wrong on Android (should be single page view) and extremely bad on iOS(just take a look)



The page is LIVE at: https://gridnet.org/whitepaper/

We desire the flipbook to render as a full-screen single page on any mobile device.

We've updated to latest version (1.11.1) in hope of improving the situation to no avail though.

When single page is forced active as per setting in your documentation cmdSinglePage, with active set to true, it only seems to have effect on desktop browser PLUS it's bugged. i..e there are two pages displayed anyway, it's just the page, flipping button makes the entire book jump left and right.

We saw you mention that the freemium version is bugged? Well then we would be scared to use it.

We would also encourage to maintain the freemium version updated.It markets your product. Improve license key validation instead. Improve documentation with more samples. Nowhere there is a sample with working single-page mode on mobile. The sample which is supposed to cover that https://3dflipbook.net/controls-customization doesn't even work on desktop.

Update: we have managed to partially solve this on Android by setting the autoResultion property to true though the panning could be improved: https://ibb.co/02Bygy8

on iOS it's still the same. (iPhone X, high dpi screen)

Would you please give us a hand? Thank you.




  1. Read about fa icons issue on Safari here. (use init in template), also set sizes for the plugin container and add in the first line <!DOCTYPE html>
  2. Single page focus the active page on screen, it does not hide the second one.
  3. autoResultion is enabled by default.
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