3D FlipBook - Hello, I have an issue with this not working correctly. Went through the instructions step by step, and keep getting errors


Hello, I have an issue with this not working correctly. Went through the instructions step by step, and keep getting errors and incorrect functionality.

1. This is installed on Project Nami 2.2.2 (WP 5.2.2)
2. PHP 7.3.1
3. IIS 10
4. Theme – Brooklyn
5. WP Bakery (JC) 6.0.3

Any and all help is appreciated.





What error do you get?


1 warning I get is “The provided value ‘moz-chunked-arraybuffer’ is not a valid enum value of type XMLHttpRequestResponseType.” Today I am not getting any errors.

When I select the book to be PDF, it sets it at 1150px wide, and only 150px tall on the viewable page, regardless of what class I add to it pertaining to height, even the class you have “fb3d-h-800” doesnt affect the look. After I generate the shortcode and use full screen, its 1150×150, if I generate shortcode to thumbnail & lightbox, it shows the thumbnail, but upon clicking, no lightbox appears, but the 1100×150 box actually goes below the footer at the very bottom pushing everything up.I can send you screen shots if desired.

If I select Images, HTML files, I can add images to the pages, then once I click update, they all disappear. I looked in the database there is a table named fb3d_pages, and there are no records of any book, no ID, nothing, just an empty table.

Could this be caused by using Project Nami instead of actual WordPress?

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